Children,  Down Syndrome,  Life Update,  Parenting

Hudson said MAMA

IT HAPPENED!! Hudson said, “MAMA” for the first time last night. ⁠ ⁠

I have been aching to hear those words. Hudson knows I’m mommy…I don’t need verbal words to confirm that….but oh man how sweet that moment was last night! ⁠ ⁠

The MMMMM sound is very hard for young children with Down syndrome to create….pursing your lips together and making the vibrating M noise takes a lot of work and coordination (versus DA, BA, GA, etc). I knew this would be a long time coming (Hudson is 3 years old)…and I treasure every time he signs “mommy” since I know that’s the best way he can communicate my name. ⁠ ⁠

But last night, BOOM. He busted down the door. AND CLEAR AS A STINKING BELL, he said MAMA. ⁠ ⁠

I couldn’t be more thankful for the Ring camera we have in his room that caught this moment. Clearly I wasn’t expecting it to happen so to have it saved is such a blessing! ⁠ ⁠

We were reading “Brown Bear Brown Bear.” Hudson’s speech therapist, Jill Rabin, taught us a song that goes with the book and we sign all the animals (have been doing this for YEARS now). You may be thinking…but there’s no “mom” in that book. Correct! Jill suggested we change ‘teacher’ to ‘mommy’ since that is more of a relevant term for younger toddlers. Thank goodness we did…last night instead of only signing it, I got my new FAVORITE FOUR LETTER WORD out of that child’s mouth….MAMA. ⁠ ⁠

Just a reminder to the parents out there struggling with a child who has developmental delays….it’s hard. NO DOUBT. But oh my gosh, the moment it all clicks for your child who works so hard to achieve that inchstone…the victory is THAT MUCH SWEETER. ⁠ ⁠

Hudson can do ANYTHING he puts his mind to…I don’t doubt this at all. In his own time, in his own way, he will do it all. For now, I’m just going to sit here and listen to this on repeat!

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