mom and toddler excited in front of the carousel at Disney World
Blogging,  Life Update

Journaling/Sharing/Other Random Thoughts

Hey friends! I have not given my blog much love lately…still trying to find that balance of what to share on Instagram/Facebook versus what to share here. I don’t know the answer…but what I do know is that even if I’m cross-posting, that will provide an easy way for me to reference old posts.

I’ve struggled with what to share in GENERAL as well…so I’m sharing it here in the hopes I will keep myself accountable and look back in 5 years and remember how silly it was that I was afraid of sharing, even in the midst of global pandemic.

Here’s what I posted on Instagram today….

I’m not a journaler. I wish I was. I read the journals I wrote as a ‘young’ person, and I’m thankful for the silly emotions and drama that I grew from. I worry that I’m not taking the time to write down what’s happening when it is happening so that in 10 years I can look back and say WOW girl – you grew. WOW girl – you remember that? WOW girl – don’t you miss those toddler years? Teen years? Having the kids in the house?

So second best option…writing about it on here. During my maternity leave with Hudson, I wrote down what we did every single day. During 2019, I wrote 10 things every single day that I was grateful for. While a lot of that lives in video now, I don’t want to miss the written word.

During this quarantine period, I’ve struggled with what to share. We are all going through SO MUCH that sometimes it seems like my words won’t be enough or aren’t valid. I realize those are all lies I tell myself…because even if it ONLY matters to me, THAT IS ENOUGH.

So I want to get better at WRITING IT


I want to encourage you to share, for you.

We all have a voice worth sharing. We all have experiences worth writing about (sorry to end in a preposition but I’m writing as if I’m speaking and it just slipped out haha). Even if it’s a bullet point list of what you did yesterday, share it! You will want to look back on these days…and no I don’t just mean quarantine days. I mean exactly where we are in our lives.

For me – growing in my role as a wife and life partner to my hubz, balancing life as a stepmom of two teenagers, running around after a toddler who is deemed different, carrying a massive baby in my belly, and of course I can’t forget about our fur babies. Plus all the other titles we all carry – employee, entrepreneur, friend, daughter/son, cousin, aunt/uncle, etc.

Okay – starting to ramble. All of this to say I’m getting out of my OWN WAY and going to stop worrying and just start writing again. Whether it’s big or small, I want words about my experiences to look back on. That starts by sharing. And if someone else is positively impacted by that, HOORAY!

You got this. Write it down. One day at a time friends.

mom and toddler excited in front of the carousel at Disney World

Oh and this pic – riding the carousel at Disney World with my little man back in March on a trip with Grandma. This was before Hudson went into the hospital, before the world shut down against a virus, before the term ‘social distancing’ was part of our lives. I cherish this day. 

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