• Basic Hospital Bag Packing List for Mama

    Alright friends, I have been talking about packing my hospital bag for WEEKS. When Baby #4 was measuring a month ahead, it was suggested that I get a bag of items ready in case we need to rush to the hospital. I have FINALLY DONE IT! The good news is…and I want all the first time mommies and daddies to hear this…the hospital will have everything you NEED. Highlight – CAPS – underline – BOLD. Packing a bag is more for you…what things bring you comfort? What would be a nice to have? It is another great way to mentally prepare for the reality that you are giving birth soon.…

  • Get to Know Me: 21 Things You Might Not Know

    Happy Friday friends!  I was tagged in a post on Instagram to share 21 facts about myself. Being the wordy, chatty gal that I am, I couldn’t squeeze all 21 into the 2,200 character limit that Instagram gives the world. I shared 13 there…but all 21 here! It was weird thinking of things about myself since so much of what I write it about my children, family, and more ‘tip and trick’ based. This was a great exercise in remembering WHO I AM and where I have been…and how do I want the world to see me? Not just as a mama, not just as Holding Moonbeams…but as Hollyce.  Okay…

  • Three Phone Apps You Need When Expecting

    I don’t know about you….but I’m assuming you are like me and have several apps on your phone that you’ve downloaded. Chances are you probably use the same 5-10 in any given week but some are more seasonal….like these: my favorite pregnancy apps! I am so glad I was referred to some of these so wanted too share them with you! None of this is sponsored…but I wanted a quick place for you any preggos out there to have a few resources that I’ve been grateful for this go around. Let’s jump right into it….here are the THREE apps you need when you are expecting. What to Expect Honesty time…

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