• March/April Bucket List

    It’s already March! What?! But I’m so grateful….January and February have always been challenging months for me. They are the darkest yet somehow feel longest days, the Christmas blues are upon me, and it’s so cold outside that we don’t want to leave the house. March is FUN. Daylight savings time occurs, spring break is around the corner, and Easter decorations are up in the stores. But in Chicago, it’s still not Spring…even in April…I know right! So I couldn’t call this a Spring bucket list….we still have snow on the ground with more to come. I give you…the March/April Bucket List. These two months that can be busy with…

  • Spring Break – Newport Beach, CA

    Spring break has come and gone! It’s a line in the sand for those of us in Chicago – the worst of winter is behind, but we still come home to chilly weather. Maybe 4 weeks left…maybe 6….but usually no more than 8 weeks left. The weather in Chicago is weird. I’ve been here almost 7 years and I’m still not used to it. Somehow I’m shocked when I keep my heavy coat out until May 15th. I wonder if I’ll ever get used to it…as I’m writing right now, it is raining outside and a brisk 37 degrees with a 50% chance of snow in 6 hours. So let’s…

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