Down Syndrome Awareness Month

DSAM: Mama Alyse & Conner

Tell us a little bit about you and your family…

Alyse & Nick Mastrodonato are proud parents to Conner who is 6 months and we live in Antioch, IL. We love to be outdoors, walking with our pup, snuggling, playing and smiling ALL THE TIME.

What’s the one word you would pick to describe Conner?


What do you want the world to know about Down syndrome? What has Conner taught you?

Conner has taught me to be more accepting, to find the positives in a person, to outweigh their negatives, and to love profusely without hesitation.

Down Syndrome is really only different in the number of chromosomes. Everything I’ve witnessed is that of any other child I’ve been around.

What would you tell a parent who just received a diagnosis of Down syndrome for their child?

Yay! There is so much love that will break your heart of happiness. If the fear consumes you, know that there is an entire community that is supportive and understanding.

What else should people know about Down syndrome?

We had a birth diagnosis and we were completely shocked. It’s been a wild ride but whenever emotions consume me, Conner’s smile melts away any fear.

The best achievement, outside of all his milestones, is when he figured out breastfeeding. It took close to 3 months but he is exclusively breastfeeding when many are told babies with DS cannot.

That’s an example of what DS means to me: it’s about overcoming the odds and proving everyone wrong. Teaching people to take a step back and realize that these kiddos are no different than typical children/adults. Sometimes they just need a little more time and assistance.

How can people find you?


I met Alyse when Baby Conner was just a few weeks old. This woman is full of strength, courage, and the guts it takes to slay the mom game. Even being so new on her own journey, she is already helping others and spreading awareness and hope! Conner is a lucky boy to have Alyse as his mother. Thank you for sharing!!

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