• Tip for Getting the Best Christmas Books

    If you have been a Moonbeam follower for a while, you will know that I love holiday books. Loveeeee. ⠀⠀But Hollyce – how can you afford all of those amazing Christmas books? They can be so expensive!⠀⠀Well, dear friend, I borrow them from the library. Tax dollars at work people!⠀⠀TIP: go get your Christmas books NOW! When everyone else remembers in 1-2 weeks, the pickings are slim. ⠀⠀PRO TIP: I put a calendar appointment on November 18th every year to get Christmas books. Then I’ll never forget. Yes….I’m that mom. ⠀⠀I’ll work on a more formal post of my favorites so you have it in time for Christmas. I tried…

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