• Five Friday Favorites (Triple F)

    Happy Friday everyone! Thank you for coming back and continuing to support this blogging adventure I have just begun. Your comments, likes, shares and DMs have meant so much to me! There is nothing like putting yourself out in the world and being proud of yourself along with the encouragement of others. Thank YOU! Every Friday, I’d love to share five of my favorite things from the week prior. It could be a picture, product, recipe, moment, quote, etc. These are little snippets of the week that stood out to me and I want to share with you 🙂 So let us begin the first FFF… 1. In case you…

  • Type A – More Like Type A-fraid

    I used to have a blog…8+ years ago and my oh my how the blogging game has changed! I giggle looking at my college study abroad blog. Think – flowers, quotes, colored fonts, and first world millennial problems so dramatic you’ll laugh. But like I said – 8 years ago. That’s the same amount of time from your freshman year of high school to your last day of college! A lot happened in those 8 years and I’m catching up. I’m afraid to launch this blog. I’m also a perfectionist – which most tout as their “biggest weakness” in a standard interview. But it really is a negative trait!! I’m…

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